Friday 6 June 2014

A Year Ago Today

English: pink ribbon

This time last year I received the news that I have breast cancer.

One year down the line, it's Summer, the sun is shining - in more ways than one and it seems a distant memory and slightly unreal.

I don't have breast cancer any more.  I've been through surgery, reconstruction, chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

I've put on weight, lost weight, lost all my hair, grown it back again, watched more films than I thought possible while recovering, been so well supported by family and friends, managed to keep working, written a book, made some lovely friends and started a year of #52Things.

I have a new hairstyle, some parts of me are 'new'(!) and some bits still don't work quite as well as they did but I'm very definitely out the other side.  My energy is back, my strength is growing.  I can do things now I couldn't do a few months ago.

I'm feeling more like my old self, although with a much more positive outlook on life.

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