Thursday 23 October 2014

Week 20: Working Through Cancer

Well, not something you get to do every day - I've just published my book up on Kindle.  Out in Breast Cancer Awareness Month.  As I've mentioned previously, it's been a work in progress almost since I was diagnosed over a year ago and I hope it will help others going through something similar.

Available to download from and  You can get it for free between 24th-28th October.

There's also the Working Through Cancer website to go with the book on which I'll be adding resources and blog posts.

Thursday 16 October 2014

Week 19: TED Talk - the future of early cancer detection

An evening of viewing a few TED Talks - many of them are amazing and inspiring but this one in particularly struck a chord.

Jorge Soto's talk on the future of early cancer detection - genius!

If you've not yet come across the amazing world of TED - their site and various events they organise around the world are definitely worth watching.

Sunday 12 October 2014

Working Through Cancer

While working through my own personal diagnosis and treatment I started writing a journal.  This is the result.

Available on Kindle shortly - proceeds go towards three cancer charities.  If you would like access as soon as it's published - just enter your details below and I'll let you know:

Working Through Cancer 

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*You'll need to validate your sign-up - check your Inbox.

Thursday 9 October 2014

Week 18: A Little Light Reading

Another London meeting and a bit of culture with a stop at the British Library. Situated between Euston and Kings Cross it's an amazing place with the biggest bookcases I've ever seen.

A great place to take a break and get on with some work before my meeting.  Plenty of seating around the main atrium area and cafe with places to plug in and free wi-fi.

I had time to look at the Historical collection with amazing documents such as the Magna Carta, Gutenberg Bible, sacred texts, maps, hand-written notes and manuscripts from Shakespeare, Leonardo da Vinci, Laurie Lee and many others.

There are their Reading Rooms for research, free exhibitions and Definitely worth a visit.

Wednesday 1 October 2014

Week 17-21: It's October - GoSober, Stoptober

As I neither smoke or really drink - going Sober in October didn't really fit the bill - instead I'm giving up caffeine!

So no tea, no coffee for a whole month - starting today.  Now that's a much bigger ask ...  I love the smell of coffee and enjoy a morning latte, although I rarely drink coffee after lunchtime but love an afternoon cuppa (with or without cake!)

I will still be available to meet for a variety of herbal teas (and if cake is involved - although in moderation!). :)

Good luck to everyone who has already signed up for Go Sober or Stoptober and if you'd like to either join me or donate to a very worthy cause just click ---> HERE

Go Sober in October - and support Macmillan

Stop smoking